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How to Power up ZSNES |
ZSNES is much more complex and flexible than SNES9X. Thus, we have many methods to power it up.
- Power up Visualization
ZSNES means almost nothing if you don't do this. Normally ZSNES requires a VESA 2 or greater to enter high color modes,
but regularly most computers' videocades VESA Version are about 1.xx. Though theirs versions will
greater if they are lately purchased (e.g. Matrox Mystiqe starts at VESA version 2.00).
Surely you don't want to buy a new VideoCard, do you? We will show only a recommended method.
Get the ScitectSoft DisplayDoctor at Utilities Page and follow these instructions.
Firstly, install the downloaded driver somewhere on your hard drive.
Then, check your videocard whether it supports this driver by runing UNIVBE.EXE located at folder you installed.
If it does, your a number of VideoCard support modes should be increased and so should VESA version.
After having completed the test, place UNIVBE.EXE on your AUTOEXEC.BAT (EX: C:\SDD60\UNIVBE.EXE)
or you must run it every time playing ROMS with ZSNES or other programmes working on low-resolution high-color mode.
Finally, try VESA 2 required Video Modes on ZSNES! If it works, ZSNES won't tell you an error message and Transparency FX
will work properly.
For those who have Pentium MMX / II.
Want to get best GFX performance? Run ZSNES with mode 5 + interpolation enabled option (-y) + no scanlines (default)
+ MMX Copy method (for ZSNES400 + MMX/II owners).
You will see how cool ZSNES can do!
- Speed up ZSNES
ZSNES CPU minimum requirement is about 486 but you will get !*#%. This information can help
people who have CPU Pentium 50-166. For others who owns lower or greater CPU Clock, this infomation won't help them much.
Try enabling the auto frameskip and disabling VSync (Vertical Sync)
VSync work well when you specify exactly frameskip. Also it require a high-speed CPU.
So try choosing whether you want "VSMOOTH" but "SLOW" or "QUICK" but "SMOOTH".
Reducing sound sampling rate to make your emulation a bit faster.
For some ROMs (e.g. Puzzle-type games) that doesn't use too much Transparency FX, use VideoMode 0 or 1 and
enable the "New GFX Engine" (for zsnes 400 or greater).
Disable 2 player control device, GUI (a "MENU"), mouse or super scope to reduce some interruptors if they don't in use.
Enabling stereo sound doesn't make neither music nor sound effect much better, and it also enslows the emuation.
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How to Find Cheat codes using SNES9X search |
One important feature (for us) that ZSNES doesn't have is Finding Cheat Codes.
Sometimes we use SNES9X to cheat and save as "srm", then load it with ZSNES.
With this SNES9X command you can beat many games and have ***fun***.
So let's begin!
Pick some game, We will use "The Lion King" as a sample.
Start the game. You will see Simba's power meter and lives.
Press ESC. You will enter the SNES9X GUI (You must enable it if you want to cheat).
Open the search window (Cheat>Search).
Enter quantity of something that you want to cheat (3 for Number lives, 4 for hit points).
Now, we will enter 4 to find the hit points address. Click "EXACT" radiobutton to search an exact value.
Click "Search" button. Then click "List" button, many addresses will be shown
Return to game. Get Simba hit with a monster. His HP will be decreased by 1. Back to the search menu again.
Type 3 on the textbox and Search again (hit "Search" button). This time SNES9X will search the listed addresses which one is change to 3.
List the result again. You will see a few addresses or only 1 address. Write them/it down on your paper.
Hit ESC to close the Search Window. Click "Apply Patch..." (a submenu in "Cheat").
Supposing that you found only 1 address, enter the address on its textbox, the upper one ("$" means number in HEX base).
And type the value to which you want (e.g. 4 = Max HP), on the lower textbox. Then hit "Add" button.
Back to game, and play your SUPER Simba (He is invunerability). If more than one address were found, try them all.
This is only an example of how to cheat. Patching RAM is far easier than modifying the saved files because
games need "speed", so they must keep its data in the simplest and quickest to read.
You must GUESS how roms keep it. In some games, you will see your HP/MP or whatever in "guange"
(you could not see the exact value). Don't give up hope. Try to search some common numbers (e.g. 20, 50, 100).
This SNES9X cheat requires a little of computer experience and patience. Enjoy your hacked games!
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